Monday, September 18, 2006

hellos. man. life's hard. exams are drawing nearer each day. i feel so stressed. have to complete studying all the subjects. also, i have so little ocnfidence in my literature. im terrible in that. followed by history with all the source based. crap it! come to think of it. i think im horrible in my studies. im so dead.
but im looking forward for the exams to blow by. also im going to revise my lit at my grandparents' house today. hopefully i manage to remember the scenes well. sigh.
though i cant wait for the exams to finish, im not looking forward for band. sigh. just when i can finally relax a little, i need to go back and get -constructive- criticism from the conductor. sheesh. im so tired of band. long hours of practise all the time. yeah yeah. i know he'll go saying "im tired too but i still have to come" sighh.. whatever. i'll end here now. bye.
i blogged @
2:47 AM
Sunday, September 10, 2006

hey there. ok had my braces put on on the 30th august. yes i know thats way long ago. but oh wells didnt update since the last post. ive made a new drawing =D
anyway, been rather stressed lately. even though i didnt fail any of my CA papers. i still feel pretty tensed up for SA. man! havent made full use of this holiday. how terrible. there is insecurity within my freedom.
and for those who do not appreciate animes. you dont have to
comfort yourselves by calling those who do anime
freaks. well lets see.. in that case, dont you all think its appropriate to call yourselves
appear-attractive-to-boys-wannabe FREAKS? yup. i think thats pretty correct. oh no, that
IS correct. yes yes.
oh maybe you all are just jealous that we've got a hobby and a goal in life and you dont? oh wells. i dont know~ i never thought of experiencing your life for a day cause i think its pretty much twisted and boring to
ALWAYS TRY to appear attractive in front of boys. sighh~ how boring.
*yawns* sigh~ ok change of subject. chinese oral is around the corner. man ive got to borrow a book from the library. sheesh why did they even include this storytelling thing into the oral policy. are chinese teachers getting
that bored? sigh. oh wells we students have to entertain these old haggard teachers~ thats what students are for in this society. sheesh. exams and tests never ends. just to make these annoying teachers happy. oh wells thats life of a student.
teachers always complain about marking papers as well. sheesh might as well dont give them. so nobody would suffer. students wouldnt have to die of stress and freaking teachers wouldnt have to die of marking papers from night til morning. sigh~ aint this society stubborn and materialistic. all they look for in us are our ability to bring forth our economy. either the upright way or the sneaky way. sigh. its hopeless now isnt it. guess it cant be helped since its already in this pathetic stat.
i blogged @
12:20 PM